Sumbul Radix, commonly known as Sumbul Root, is the dried root of the plant Ferula Sumbul. Sumbul belongs to the Umbelliferæ or Apiaceæ family, otherwise known as the carrot or parsley family. The parts of the plant used medicinally are the root and the rhizome.

Synonyms – Jatamansi, Musk Root, Euryangium

Habitat – Russia, Northern India, Turkestan

Uses – Sumbul root is used as a stimulant and antispasmodic (relieves muscle spasms). Resembling valerian in the way it affects the body, it is administered to treat various hysterical conditions. Sumbul root is believed to be particularly effective on the pelvic organs and as a stimulant to mucous membranes. It is therefore employed to treat dysenteries and respiratory conditions such as bronchitis. The root has been used throughout history in Persia and India as incense in religious ceremonies as well as medicinally.

Characteristics – Sumbul root has a strong musk-like odour and a bitter, aromatic taste. The root varies a lot in size but it is usually between 2.5cm and 7.5cm in diameter, and between 18mm to 25mm thick. The pieces of root are covered on the outer surface with a dusky-brown wrinkled cork, sometimes covered with short bristly fibres. Internally they are spongy, coarsely fibrous, and a dirty yellowish-brown.