Pandemic poem - the first wave
When the first e-mail came asking our skills
It was a little exciting, it didn’t feel real
We’d had a few weeks watching it all unfold
The news images had started leaving us cold
Panic buying had started already
Loo rolls and bread - c’mon people, go steady!
Mother’s Day flowers were almost on hold
Try to stay calm, be brave, be bold
Feeling like soldiers but underprepared
Frontline heroes? Totally scared
Refresher courses on IV injections
Pulling together to fight this infection
Hats, masks and visors, scrubs, gloves and gowns
For something so serious we’re looking like clowns!
Capturing moments on social media
Trying to make best of this crazy hysteria
Organised chaos in every direction
Fighting for lives, our sole intention
Patients oblivious to their surroundings
Relatives distraught at the telephoned warnings
We’re the delicate link between them and their loved ones
Sadly, not all will return to the homes that they came from
Doing all that we can to improve their chances
Outwardly calm whilst inwardly frantic
Exhausting ourselves of our fire and our grit
Emotionally drained yet fighting fit
One month in marked the saddest of times
Many losing the fight to this deadly virus
Haunting scenes in the ICU
Staff supported online via zoom
The following weeks saw better outcomes
I’m grateful for this, as last month I was broken
Over the worst? Things seem to be improving...
No longer needed, back home we are moving
Placed like pawns in a game of chess
Calculated moves, immeasurable stress
Unprecedented times calls for unprecedented action
This virus has caused a massive reaction
A global pandemic, no one is spared
If (when) it happens again, we’ll be better prepared...
Helen Hipkiss, September 2020