Desoutter above knee prosthetic leg
This above knee artificial leg was created for Horace Reginald Greaves in 1945. The custom prosthesis was crafted by Desoutter Bros Ltd and made from the same lightweight and durable material as the supersonic airliner Concord.
Even though Greaves' leg was amputated during childhood, he did not wear a prosthetic leg for most of his life and became well known around his Midlands hometown for his distinctive appearance. This prosthetic leg was designed for Greaves when he was in his 30s, but remarkably, Greaves never wore this prosthetic. Having adapted to life with one leg, he would walk over a mile everyday to work and during the war took part in the fire watch during the second world war. When Greaves received the prosthesis he was even teased by those who knew him as his unique look was gone.
The uncomfortable nature of a large prosthetic may have posed challenges with common problems for wearers including broken skin, excessive sweating, and difficulties with movement. Whilst prosthetic limbs continue to improve with new technology and materials, challenges in movement and discomfort can still affect users today. Additionally, the cost of prostheses can be prohibitive for many. While prosthetic technology continues to advance, addressing these disadvantages remains a crucial aspect of improving the quality of life for amputees worldwide.
This prosthetic leg stands as a testament to both the advancements in medical technology and the individual situation of Greaves as an amputee who chose to live in a way most comfortable for himself.