George Marshall Medical Museum is working with Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust and our local communities to record experiences of the pandemic for the future.

We are particularly interested in gathering testimony from the following groups:

  • Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff within our hospital and healthcare settings in Worcestershire. We hope to highlight the reliance on these staff, who we know have been disproportionately affected by Covid-19 across the UK. What can you tell us about your experience?

  • Key workers in medical and healthcare settings. How have your daily routines and tasks changed throughout the pandemic (and potentially forever)? What does this mean to you?

  • Those who have shielded for the safety of themselves and others. What could you tell us about the impact this has had?

  • People who have had Covid-19. What can you tell us about your symptoms, access to testing, being tested, etc.?

  • Those who have lost a loved-one due to Covid-19. What are you willing to share with us about this experience?

Can you help by sharing your story? Scroll down for an online form which will be automatically sent straight to us.

Please don’t worry if you do not fit into any of the groups listed above. If you have anything to tell us about your experiences of the pandemic so far, please do.

Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service and Museums Worcestershire are also collecting objects and stories for Worcestershire. Please note, with your permission, we will forward anything deemed more appropriate to the wider county’s collections to them, and are working together to make sure all collections are held in the right place.